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25,000+ #QR codes Auto Generated for #VolunteersCovid Status - #OVIS to offer CRO #StaffSafety using QR codes, #ClinicalStudies in India, facing the the #NewNormal

September 14th 2020

OVIS cares for the CRO staff also. Their well being is important too. Also Corona is here to stay!

OVIS auto generates QR codes for Covid status of the Human Volunteers.
These QR codes are dynamic as they display the latest Covid status as per the feedback of CRO results wrt Covid. 

Since inception of this feature in OVIS from post lockdown time, there are 25,000+ QR codes generated and available for pre-screening scan. Each has a unique identity parameter of a volunteer and his / her Covid status.  The QR are scanned at the entry points of a premises. Only the fit / safe and thus eligible volunteers are allowed to enter the facility. This is a critical pre-screening step to avoid infected volunteers. A good level of surety for the staff safety. It offers risk mitigation from the entire study batch getting infected and further cancellation of a study. 

A much desired feature by the CROs as well as the Sponsors and the Ethics Committees. 


#OVIS #ClinicalResearch #CRO #LifeScience #ClinicalStudy #HumanVolunteers #CleanVolunteers #LowRiskStudies #RiskFreeStudies #CrossParticipation #PhaseI #PhaseIII #EarlyStage #DrugTesting #ScreeningEligibility #DosingEligibility #RiskMitigation #HealthyVolunteers #LowCostStudies #SafeStudies #ADR #SADR #AvoidADR #DrugConcentration #RealTimeStatus #USFDA #CFR11 #BA #BE #PKStudies #InforcomTechnologies #NationalLevelSoftware #SaaS #ApplicationServiceProvider #APS #CovidSafety #CoronaScreening #CoronaTesting #CovidStudy #CovidTrial #TouchlessScan #CovidPositive #CovidNegative #HowToRecordCovidResult #CovidResultStorage #CovidResultDistribution #DynamicQRCode #GetCovidstatus #CovidStatusIndicator