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OVIS updated to handle Blocking for COVID19 Positive / Negative - A New Eligibility Criteria

April 20th 2020

OVIS - the human Volunteers eligibility system for Clinical Studies pan India offers a new eligibility criteria for safe studies - Covid19 Status.

The unprecedented circumstances of Corona Virus attack has created a new level of eligibility requirement of COVID19 negative status. OVIS service has also updated its system to handle the same. 

A volunteer can be marked COVID19 postive as soon as they are detected so. The system updates the status in the records. The information shared is:
the Date of Test, the Block Status and the 14 day Quarantine Completion Date.

This will reflected in the Checking output immediately. A volunteer can be swiftly be quarantined in case he/she has somehow reproted during the quarnatine period. This offers immense safety the CRO staff as well as the fellow volunteers. 

The Plasma drawing is a life saver in current time for futher trials. A Covid19 Postive status with 14 days over scenario offer the potential plasma donor.

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